Our Mission & Vision

The congregation of St. Peter’s, recognize that we need to be more than just members of a church. We strive to be disciple’s of Christ. We are a friendly and caring body of the church of Christ. We strive to maintain strong leadership through a tradition of biblical preaching and teaching. We attempt to strengthen the faith lives of our people. We strive to provide for the needs of all through diversified music, strong Sunday Schools and Bible studies, adequate space and accessibility, and varied fellowship opportunities. We recognize the need to reach out to the people in our local community. We strive to proclaim the Good News to our neighbors by consciously being more inviting and hospitable. We want to be known as a church where people can make connections between their faith in God and their everyday lives. We strive to be open to new opportunities God might have in store for us. We recognize that joyful, thankful, first-fruits giving is crucial to a thriving church. We strive to give not just to routine expenses, but also to special worthwhile causes and the work of the greater church. We recognize the body of Christ is made of many and varied members each with special gifts to share. We strive to recognize the contributions, needs, and opinions of all members especially of the youth, elderly and those currently excluded from the life of our congregations. We recognize nothing can be accomplished without prayerful consideration. We strive to remember that the Holy Spirit hears our prayers and continues to lead us in cooperative ministry toward our common goals.


Board of Trustees:
Shawn Bazile, President
Patty Beck, Vice-President
Nate Bonikowske, Treasurer / Bookkeeper
Krista Enoch, Secretary
Kris Zillmer, Financial Secretary (not on Council)
Other Officers of the Congregation/Parish:
Jackie Baldwin, Parish Coordinator
Patty Beck, President of Ladies Aide
Dave Schmidt, President Men’s Ministry
Patty Beck, Funeral Lunch Team Leader
Lee Rambo, Musical & Tech Director
Board of Elders:
Tom Bestul
Lee Rambo
Dave Schmidt